Medical Disclaimer

Steven Surman Writes, and its associated Youtube Channel and Podcast, provides content—including any references, links, or other knowledge sources—for informational purposes only.

Steven Surman Writes does not provide any medical for professional advice on any of its channels or in any of its writings. Anything said should not be taken as a replacement for medical, clinical, professional advice, diagnosis, or medical intervention.

If you take any action or inaction as a result of any of the content you consume on this Website, this is based solely upon your own decision and discretion. Steven Surman Writes and its Publisher cannot be held liable for the consequences of such action or inaction.

Accessing or otherwise using this Website, YouTube Channel, or Podcast does not create a therapist-patient relationship between you and Steven Surman Writes and its affiliated channels, the Publisher, or any individuals appearing within these channels. If you choose to contact the Publisher to provide personal and/or medical information, this does not create a therapist-patient relationship between you and the Publisher of Steven Surman Writes and any of its affiliate writers or content creators.

Nothing on the Website or in the YouTube Channel or Podcast is intended to establish a therapist-patient relationship, to replace the services of a trained therapist, doctor, or health professional, or otherwise substitute for professional mental health, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.