Because Shane and Chris Houghton, the creators of the independent Reed Gunther comic series, live on the West Coast and I’m securely situated over on the East, I unconventionally emailed the duo a set of questions for an interview. It was intended to save all parties involved the hassle of dealing with different time zones and conflicting schedules.
Normally, I’d expect a typed set of responses to my questions, but not from the Houghtons. Their boisterous energy would never allow for such a conventional reply, and shame on me for expecting otherwise. No, the writer and artist instead indulged themselves in the creation of a video commentary for everyone at Broken Frontier to enjoy.
They didn’t really answer any of my questions, but after watching their video and then reading over my questions again, who really cares?
So, without further ado, check out the video above!
This interview originally appeared on Broken Frontier.